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How Can Technology Help You Reach Your Congregation?

The Right Audio Visuals Can Help You Get Your Message Across

How Can Technology Help You Reach Your Congregation?

You don't want to be met with silence, snoozing, or spiritless stares from your congregation. But Sunday mornings can be a tough time to get your message across and your audience engaged. Even the most powerful of sermons can benefit from a little help through commercial audio video solutions. Audiovisuals are also a great way to establish your church’s unique identity.

There are over 300,000 churches in the United States, so it's important to find a way to make yours stand out. Whether you're reaching out to a congregation of 50 or 5,000 in your Birmingham, MI church, technology is a great way to share your faith. Below we outline some must-have AV features and the best way to use them within a church setting.

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The Best Audio-Visual Tools for Your Church

Displays are ideal in larger churches to make sure everyone in the audience can see the minister clearly. Have cameras at the front overseeing the pulpit and broadcast the signal to displays in the back of the room, so everyone gets a front-row seat to your weekly sermon or the honored guest during special events like weddings or baptisms. Speak with a professional installer who can help you figure out if screen and projectors or flatscreens would be the best option.

Even more important is having a quality sound system in place. How can you make sure everyone in the church can hear you? Ensure you're using powerful speakers meant for commercial spaces to bring clear audio to every corner. Bolster the sound by spreading speakers out evenly throughout the area instead of just having a few at the front of the room.

Then it's essential to have a strong supporting cast to ensure you are sharing high-quality content to your speakers and displays. It may be necessary to add mixers to collect your sermon and event audio better. You'll then need an audio distribution system to get the signal to all of your speakers. You will also need a powerful commercial-grade amplifier to provide enough power to fill the space.

Since churches generally rely on volunteers and can have a high turnover from week to week, it's crucial that your commercial audio video system be easy to use. Provide access to necessary AV equipment on a dedicated touchpad or computer. With an intuitive user interface, it should only take a few minutes to train up new staff.


Some Unique Ways to Use Your Church AV

Now that you've got all of this gear in your church, what are some ways you can use it to your benefit? The primary goal should be to aid communication. Speakers get the sound of your sermon throughout the space. Displays let those in the back of the church feel as close to you as those in the front row.

The secondary goal is to create a more engaging environment for your sermons. Integrate sing-alongs, community-made videos, and more for a more exciting service. Even simple graphics displaying hymn lyrics, biblical text or even your sermon text enhance your presentation.

Why not think beyond your physical building? If you already have high-end recording equipment in place, you can use it to stream your service online for those that can’t attend. These streams are also an excellent way for potential members to check out your service before their first-time visit. As part of your installation, make sure to optimize your network as well to avoid lagging.

Many churches across the country host podcasts to reach out to new listeners. They’re a great way to talk to your congregation beyond the pulpit on Sunday. They also offer a great opportunity to invite guests from your community to speak about their faith. During your commercial audio video installation, have technicians create ideal recording spaces in your church office or boardroom.  

Are you looking for ways to better deliver your message? The right technology makes all the difference in reaching new members of the community and creating a more engaging relationship with them.

To learn more about our church AV services, call us at (248) 841-8500 or fill out our contact form.